St Paul's Primary School is a single form entry primary school in Oldham with a Good Ofsted rating.
At St. Paul’s, everyone who walks through our door remarks on our calmness, serenity and distinctiveness of values. The belief that every child is a unique child of God is tangible. We ensure that no child will ever be left behind, despite any difficulties that they may come with. We believe in offering the chance of preparation for life by always expecting the best and doing our utmost to provide the opportunities.
Our Christian Vison which drives our Values is at the heart of all we do. All facets of school life are underpinned by the importance of spirituality as the unifying thread which runs through all subjects and experiences at school. We are proud of how our children are given opportunities to grow and flourish through individual creativity – dance, drama, art and music for instance and through sporting opportunities. This links to our central focus of every child is a Gift of God and that working together, we Grow. Children are not afraid to express themselves and to share their beliefs in a thoughtful way, which makes for a calm, peaceful and purposeful learning environment.
“The school knows its children and their families extremely well and meets individual needs through a culture of Christian nurturing….’.‘We are part of God’s big family. Caring for each other is important to us’.Quoted from our last SIAMS inspection.
At St. Paul’s our children are given every possible chance to prosper, whilst holding their own beliefs, faith and culture and respecting others, as we support them on their journey towards adulthood. At St. Pauls – every child is a unique Gift of God and the future adult members of our community.